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Do you love where you live?


Your house, your street, neighborhood, grocery store, doctor, church, school, gym, park, restaurant, bar, place of employment and (most importantly...the people). These things and so much more ad up to your life. Whatever community you call home.

For me...thats Marysville, Ohio.Like a lot of life it can come down to a decision...Do you love it or not. If not, maybe there is more to explore and fall in love with. Or you can help make it a better place to live.

Have an opinion to share?

  • Of course...

  • No thanks

Either way...I'm here to helpA "Community Profile"/Buyers Guide...maybe you're new to town, want to be new to town or you're interested in learning more about your community. We are working on a guide to Marysville, Ohio to help you live, work and hopefully play here and around the area. Resources, who to call, where to go, restaurants, reviews and more. We're currently working on the website along with complementary videos.

Coming late summer/early fall 2023. This will be a living resource that I hope you will help us continually update and improve. At the end of the day this is meant to be a resource for the community. I'm not a gate keeper to telling the story of the community and its future...I just hope to be a part of it.As they say it takes a village...


I'd love to connect with you online, social media or in person. Here's my public calendar if you want to schedule an in person chat.

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